

跳到主要内容 导航到买球赛用什么app和网站网站主页 所有位置发送RFP/RFQ物流的博客 & 新闻客户端登录买球用什么正规app现在打电话 首页买球用什么正规app商业买球用什么正规app仓储配送自定义存储实现 & 分销服务MN买球用什么正规app莫买球用什么正规app物流物流第三方物流经纪基于资产的承运人铁路自定义的分布美国海关索具行业关于关于墨菲的区别历史团队奖协会物流认证墨菲的工作可持续性案例研究买球用什么正规app所有位置发送RFP/RFQ物流的博客 & 新闻客户端登录简报新闻员工资源买球用什么正规app买球用什么正规app概述自定义存储实现 & 分销服务仓储配送合同买球用什么正规app短期仓储明尼苏达州的买球用什么正规app密苏里州的买球用什么正规app工业户外存储物流物流概述第三方物流经纪基于资产的承运人铁路自定义的分布美国海关索具行业行业Oveview食品物流工业物流医药物流消费品物流关于对墨菲墨菲的区别历史团队奖协会物流认证墨菲的工作可持续性墨菲的核心价值观案例研究自定义存储Securely 和 safely store your products for transport with 墨菲’s custom 存储买球用什么正规app 和 custom 存储 services have been at 的 heart of 墨菲’s business for more than 100 years. We own 和 operate 12 logistics campuses in Minnesota 和 Missouri, enabling businesses of all sizes to get cost-effective custom 3PL services.With more than 3 million square feet of long-term 和 short-term 存储 space, we can fulfill a wide range of warehousing dem和s such as rack 存储, 大容量存储器, 零售存储, 食品级, 工业物流, 以及户外储存. The 墨菲 network of on-dem和 fulfillment centers allows you to place your inventory strategically throughout 的 Midwest to save time 和 money.定制第三方物流仓储和履行解决方案墨菲关注的是个体企业的需求. We also underst和 that shipping costs affect small businesses more than anyone else. That is why we offer custom 3PL warehousing 和 fulfillment 解决方案 to store 和 move inventory according to your requirements. Whe的r you want a customized area for huge industrial equipment or smaller spaces for your products, we provide cost-effective 解决方案 for every scale 和 size. 你可以用墨菲作为你的 第三方物流经纪 合作伙伴.一级铁路通道Many of 墨菲’s logistics campuses are connected directly through private spurs by Class I rail carriers, 包括伯灵顿北部圣达菲, 联合太平洋铁路, 加拿大国家, 和加拿大太平洋地区. 我们有室内的和室外的 铁路物流 住宿. We also operate our own fleet of asset-based carriers to help transport your inventory across 的 Midwest. 另外, we are 合作伙伴ed with 第三方物流经纪 shippers so that your orders are promptly picked, 包装, 运到全国各地.行业认证两者都取 物流认证 和 买球用什么正规app认证 认真. Our warehouses are registered with 的 FDA/USDA 和 follow HACCP guidelines. 墨菲 is proud to hold Level 2 SQF certification which requires rigorous quality control over 的 h和ling, 存储, 分布, 以及食品运输. 此外, our Minneapolis logistics campus is a custom 存储 certified organic h和ler under 的 USDA National Organic Program st和ards.户外定制存储拥有超过25万平方英尺的 商用户外储物柜 space at our Shakopee location, we have more than enough area to meet a variety of 存储 needs. This expansive space is not only spacious but it is also well-protected with excellent security features. The security 和 integrity of your items in 存储 are ensured by 的 formidable fencing, 盖茨, 还有我们周围的专业警卫小屋.这个大 工业户外存储 空间提供令人难以置信的灵活性. It’s 的 perfect approach to storing wea的r-resistant goods economically while maintaining 的ir protection. 另外, it provides a practical temporary location for bulky equipment that is made to endure outdoor exposure. Our Shakopee location has 的 ideal outdoor 存储 solution to fit your needs, whe的r you need short-term 存储 options or a secure place to store for your valuable equipment.增值服务By offering a wide range of value-added 分布 services that address a broad range of company needs, 买球赛用什么app和网站超越了. Our dedication to excellence extends to 的 物流解决方案 that streamline your supply chain, 的 实现服务 这保证了订单的快速处理, 的 effective pool 分布 for optimized delivery routes, 交叉对接,减少搬运和储存时间, 和 的 exact pick-和-pack services that satisfy particular customer requirements. 这些 自定义的分布 options allow your business to operate 的 ways you need.除了这些 物流解决方案, we also give you 的 option to postpone customization until closer to 的 point of sale, increasing your flexibility 和 capacity to react to market dem和s. Our state-of-的-art 3PL warehouse management solution offers real-time data analytics 和 continuous inventory visibility to enhance your decision-making 和 operational effectiveness. This enables you to improve decision-making, shorten lead times, 和 improve supply chain efficiency. You have a 合作伙伴 in 墨菲 who is dedicated to improving your 分布 和 logistics skills.库存和质量控制Utilizing our extensive supply chain management expertise, 我们不断为客户提供实实在在的利益, resulting in significant cost reductions 和 increased customer satisfaction. We provide a full range of auxiliary services in addition to our primary responsibility of safely 和 securely fulfilling orders.Our dedication to perfection extends to product sampling, which enables you to test 和 improve your products before releasing 的m to 的 market, 降低风险,提高产品质量. We also offer exact SKU control for accurate inventory management, 和 careful auditing services to ensure compliance with industry st和ards 和 laws.另外, we provide assistance with FDA inspections to make sure your products adhere to strict regulatory st和ards. Our sanitization services uphold 的 strictest st和ards of cleanliness, guaranteeing 的 reliability 和 security of 的 products. 另外, 提高订单履行的效率, our kitting capabilities allow us to put toge的r unique bundles or packages that are tailored to 的 requirements of your clients. We are committed to maximizing 的 value we add to your supply chain at every stage with our 定制的物流 解决方案.今天买球赛用什么app和网站的合作伙伴Connect with a representative from 买球赛用什么app和网站 today to discuss your 存储 和 logistics needs. We have warehouse space available 和 are ready to be your logistics 合作伙伴. 呼叫 612-260-9442 开始吧. 买球用什么正规app开始与我们的客户解决方案团队立即买球用什么正规app 填写询价单Use our simple Request for Quote form to jumpstart our conversation填写询价单墨菲 总部 701 24th Avenue SE 明尼阿波利斯,明尼苏达州55414612.260.9442所有位置发送RFP/RFQ职业生涯简报新闻员工资源客户端登录买球用什么正规app ©2023买球赛用什么app和网站隐私政策可访问性政策网站信用 在Facebook上喜欢我们 在Twitter上关注我们 在LinkedIn上与我们联系 在YouTube上关注我们

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